Vivek Shenoy and the Power of Penn

Earlier this month in Boston, Penn President Amy Gutmann hosted a panel discussion as part of the “Power of Penn” campaign. This event was one of several being held in major cities, aiming to raise $4.1 billion for the University’s priorities, underpinned by the commitment to innovation, inclusion, and impact.

Liang Feng Elected Fellow of the Optical Society

Liang Feng, assistant professor in the departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Electrical and Systems Engineering, has been elected a fellow of the Optical Society. The scholarly society has, since 1916, been the “world’s leading champion for optics and photonics, uniting and educating scientists, engineers, educators, technicians and business leaders worldwide to foster and promote […]

Shu Yang Elected an American Physical Society Fellow

  Shu Yang, professor in the departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has been elected a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). Her fellowship nomination was from the scholarly society’s Topical Group on Soft Matter.

Penn Engineering Groups Awarded NSF Grants to Work Toward ‘Quantum Leap’

One group will design robust, integrated quantum memory devices based on defects in diamond, and the other group will develop materials to encode and decode quantum information in single photons. These technologies will be part of the safest and most secure information network ever seen.

Y-Prize 2018: Embodied Logic and Surface Wrinkle Printing

Each year, Engineering, Wharton and the Penn Center for Innovation come together for an invention competition known as the Y-Prize. Unlike the XPRIZE, where competitors come up with novel technologies to solve a particular problem, the Y-Prize starts with the technologies and challenges entrants to find commercial applications they are particularly suited for. At stake: $10,000 to […]

New Microscopes Will Allow Researchers to See Small and Think Big

Two high-resolution microscopes will allow researchers to study and test materials at the atomic level with unprecedented precision.

Powering the Future with Giant Clams

In 2014, Shu Yang, of the Materials Science and Engineering, joined School of Arts and Sciences’ biophysicist Alison Sweeney on an unusual quest. Backed by a NSF INSPIRE grant for bold, interdisciplinary research, the duo aimed to unlock the solar-powered secrets of the giant clam. Now, Sweeney and Yang are combining their knowledge of how […]

Researchers Make Complex 3-D Surfaces with 2-D sheets

Researchers have developed a way to create flat sheets of a rubbery material that expand into three-dimensional geometries, such as a human face, when exposed to heat. The research, done by Hillel Aharoni and Randall Kamien of the School of Arts and Sciences and Yu Xia, Xinyue Zhang, and Shu Yang of the School of Engineering […]

Dhruv Turakhia: Voices of Penn Engineering Master’s Alumni

This is part of our series of articles, written by Penn Engineering alums in their own words, of their experiences at Penn and how it shaped their lives. Our next article is written by Dhruv Turakhia, who graduated with a master’s in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) degree in 2015. He currently works in the […]

Karen Winey is featured in Design News’ “It Takes a Village to Create Solid Electrolytes”

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