Nader Engheta Awarded Isaac Newton Medal and Prize

‘Plenty of Beauty at the Bottom’

Ritesh Agarwal Elected Fellow of the Optical Society

Penn Engineers Create Helical Topological Exciton-Polaritons, a New Type of Quasiparticles with Applications in Quantum Computing

Christopher B. Murray Named 2020 Citation Laureate, a Mark of ‘Nobel Class’ Research

Climate Week at Penn: Penn Engineering’s Contributions to Fighting Climate Change

Cherie Kagan, Director of New NSF Center on Agricultural Internet of Things, Takes a ‘Scientist Selfie’

New Funding Supports Milestone Initiative to Advance Solar Energy Research

Penn, Purdue, UC Merced and UF Partner on New $26M NSF Engineering Research Center for the Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture

Pennovation Accelerator Moves Online

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