President’s Innovation Prize Winner Strella Biotechnology Raises $3.3 Million in Seed Funding

Faster Together

Penn Engineers Develop First Tunable, Chip-based ‘Vortex Microlaser’ and Detector, Encode Information in Twisting Beams of Light

Penn Engineers’ ‘Nanocardboard’ Flyers Could Serve as Martian Atmospheric Probes

Penn Engineering’s New Scavenger Technology Allows Robots to ‘Eat’ Metal for Energy

Penn Engineering and Penn Nursing Team Up To Build Inflatable Robots for Hospital Beds

Strella Biotechnology Tackles Food Waste by ‘Hacking the Fruit’

Penn Engineers’ Self-healing Liquid Metal Electrode Extends Life of Li-ion Battery Alternative

University of Pennsylvania receives $25 million gift to create data science building

Penn Engineering and the Philadelphia Museum of Art Join Forces to Envision the Future

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