Kristian Lum Discusses Computer Science and Social Justice on ACM ByteCast

More on Marc Miskin’s Microscopic Robots

Penn Engineering and Cornell Researchers Develop Laser-controlled, Cell-sized Robots

Jennifer Phillips-Cremins Wins CZI Grant to Study 3D Genome’s Role in Neurodegenerative Disease

Penn Engineering and Nursing Partner with Medical Device Provider Hillrom on Internet-of-Things Technology

Danielle Bassett on ‘A Radical New Model of the Brain’

Cherie Kagan, Director of New NSF Center on Agricultural Internet of Things, Takes a ‘Scientist Selfie’

‘For Neurodegeneration, a Different Way to Slice the Pie’

New Funding Supports Milestone Initiative to Advance Solar Energy Research

Penn, Purdue, UC Merced and UF Partner on New $26M NSF Engineering Research Center for the Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture

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