Jordan Raney Awarded DARPA Fellowship to Develop Materials with ‘Distributed Intelligence’

Deep Jariwala Wins Frontiers of Materials Award

Ritesh Agarwal Elected Fellow of the Optical Society

Brian Litt Receives NIH Pioneer Award to Develop Implantable Neurodevices

Penn Engineers Create Helical Topological Exciton-Polaritons, a New Type of Quasiparticles with Applications in Quantum Computing

New Research from Penn Engineering and MIT Shows How Nanoparticles Can Turn Off Genes in Bone Marrow

NPR: Duncan Watts on Facebook’s Political Bias

César de la Fuente on AIChE’s ’35 Under 35′ List

From an Old Toy to a New Mechanism of Flight

‘The Self-Organized Movement to Create an Inclusive Computational Neuroscience School’

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