Penn Engineering and the Philadelphia Museum of Art Join Forces to Envision the Future
On ENIAC’s Anniversary, a Nod to Its Female ‘Computers’
At New College House, Small Self-Driving Cars Race Each Other
Frontiers, Fundamentals, and Future Directions of Transport: From Theory to Applications
A symposium in honor of Dr. Portonovo Ayyaswamy, Asa Whitney Professor of Dynamical Engineering Sponsored by the Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Department at the University of Pennsylvania Join us at the University of Pennsylvania Wednesday, May 9, 2018 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Wu and Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall 3330 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA […]
50th Anniversary Celebration for Professor David P. Pope
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering is honored to celebrate Dave Pope�s 50 years of research, teaching and service to the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Pope first came to Penn in 1968 as an Assistant Professor in Materials Science and Engineering and rose to full Professor in 1982. Dave served as Associate Dean of […]
Students Compete in Healthcare Innovation at Rothberg Catalyzer
In late March, over a hundred students gathered in the Towne Building to take part in a 36-hour blitz of innovation at the Rothberg Catalyzer Makerthon, powered by the Penn Center for Health, Devices and Technology (Penn Health-Tech). Undergraduate and graduate students from Penn Engineering, Arts & Sciences, Medicine, Dental Medicine and Nursing, as well […]
2018 Engineering Commencement Speakers
The Penn Engineering Doctoral, Master’s, and Undergraduate commencement ceremonies will take place on May 10, 11, and 12, respectively.
The Future of Technology: Penn Engineering Teach-In Panels
As new technologies emerge, whether related to health care, artificial intelligence, or other aspects of society, they bring with them new ethical challenges. The topic of the future of technology was front and center on day three of the Penn Teach-in. The series of free public events convened by the faculty senate aims to bring […]
Penn to Hold Teach-In March 18–22
Starting March 18, Penn students, staff, and faculty will host a reflection on knowledge — how we create it, how we spread it, and how it impacts society.
Building futures through LEGOs
On Feb. 10, approximately 400 middle schoolers from schools in Southeastern Pennsylvania gathered around field models in Houston Hall to watch robots they had built out of LEGOs simulate collecting rain water, helping flowers grow, and putting out fires. The students were participating in the regional FIRST LEGO League (FLL) tournament. FLL, a middle school […]