Guinness Recognizes Piccolissimo as World’s Smallest Self-Powered Flying Robot
Guinness World Records has officially recognized Piccolissimo as the World’s Smallest Self-Powered Flying Robot. Italian for “tiniest,” Piccolissimo is the brain child of Matt Piccoli, a graduate student in professor Mark Yim’s ModLab.
Undergraduate Summer Research Projects Honored at Annual Symposium
Penn Engineering is home to several summer research programs for undergraduates, three of which come together to honor their participants’ accomplishments working under faculty and graduate student advisors and contributing to their research projects. The LittleJohn and Rachleff Scholars programs are open to Penn Engineering students in all departments, while SUNFEST, supported by the National […]
Paris Perdikaris Predicts Complex Outcomes of Physical Systems
Since the days of Isaac Newton, scientists have been monitoring and predicting the movements of falling apples, heavenly bodies, ocean currents and just about anything that can go from point A to point B. These models have grown increasingly complex, but so have the physical phenomena they depict. Now the mechanisms behind cutting-edge technology, in […]
Linh Thi Xuan Phan Builds New Defenses for Cyber-physical Infrastructure
Your self-driving car is being hacked. Linh Thi Xuan Phan says that’s okay. The assistant professor in Penn Engineering’s Computer and Information Science department has been developing new strategies to protect self-driving cars and other systems that exist in both the cyber and physical world from attack by intruders operating online.
Lee Bassett Selected to Participate in NAE’s 2018 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
Lee Bassett, Assistant Professor in Electrical and Systems Engineering, has been selected to participate in the National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE) 2018 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. Bassett’s is one the 84 selected as the nation’s brightest young engineers to take part in symposium. Engineers ages 30 to 45 who are performing exceptional engineering research […]
Ting Yue Receives ECOS Best Paper Award
Ting Yue, a 2017 doctoral graduate in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, is the recipient of a Best Paper Award (Second Place) from the International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS). The paper, “Thermodynamic Analysis of Hybrid Power Cycles using Multiple Heat Sources of Different Temperatures,” was co-authored […]
Danielle Bassett Wins Erdős-Rényi Prize
Danielle S. Bassett, PhD, Eduardo D. Glandt Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania, is the recipient of the 2018 Erdős-Rényi Prize. The award, given by the Network Science Society, or NetSci, recognizes the achievements of a young researcher working in the field of network science.
Kathleen Stebe Wins 2018 Langmuir Lectureship Award
Kathleen Stebe, Penn Engineering’s Deputy Dean for Research and Richer & Elizabeth Goodwin Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has won the 2018 Langmuir Lectureship Award.
Bioengineering Grad Student Jina Ko Named Schmidt Scholar
Jina Ko, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania, was among the 14 PhD candidates from the U.S., Canada, and Germany to be named to the inaugural class of Schmidt Science Fellows.
Penn Engineers Win Award for Paper on AI for Smart Buildings
Engineering graduate student Achin Jain, professors Rahul Mangharam and Manfred Morari, and alumnus Truong X. Nghiem won the Best Paper Award at the 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) 2018 for their work on bridging machine learning and control theory for physical systems. ICCPS is part of CPSWEEK, which is one of the […]