Penn Scientist Nader Engheta Wins the Benjamin Franklin Medal

The Association for Computing Machinery Recognizes René Vidal for Outstanding Contributions to Computer Vision Technology

New Single Cell Analysis Tool

Recent advances in analyzing data at the single-cell level have helped biologists make great strides in uncovering new information about cells and their behaviors. One commonly used approach, known as clustering, allows scientists to group cells based on characteristics such as the unique patterns of active or inactive genes or by the progeny of duplicating […]

Inside the Miskin Lab: Cell-Sized Robots

Inside the Ko Lab: Tracking Living Tissues

Gift Brings Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Penn

RNA Lipid Nanoparticle Engineering Stops Liver Fibrosis in its Tracks, Reverses Damage

ASSET Center Inaugural Seed Grants Will Fund Trustworthy AI Research in Healthcare

René Vidal Appointed Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor

OCTOPUS, an Optimized Device for Growing Mini-Organs in a Dish

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