Robert Ghrist Named Inaugural Faculty Co-Director of the Office of Penn First Plus Students

Robert Ghrist, the Andrea Mitchell University Professor with appointments in Penn Engineering’s Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering and the Department of Mathematics in the School of Arts and Sciences, has been named an inaugural co-director of the Office of Penn First Plus Students. The Office, established in the spring, is designed to to support first-generation […]

Sarah Gray: Voices of Penn Engineering Master’s Alumni

This is part of our series of articles, written by Penn Engineering alumni, about their experiences at Penn and how it shaped their lives. Our next article is written by Sarah Gray, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Haverford College and a master’s degree in Computer and Information Technology (MCIT) from […]

Mapping the Ocean With Marine Robots

M. Ani Hsieh’s robotics lab investigates how to use ocean currents as a natural energy source for marine robots, which would enable widespread exploration.

Deep Jariwala Named to ‘Nano Letters’ Early Career Advisory Board

The American Chemical Society’s journal Nano Letters features an Early Career Advisory Board. There, junior researchers provide new perspectives and insights to their more senior peers. Deep Jariwala, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, has been named one of the advisory board’s four new members.

Guinness Recognizes Piccolissimo as World’s Smallest Self-Powered Flying Robot

Guinness World Records has officially recognized Piccolissimo as the World’s Smallest Self-Powered Flying Robot. Italian for “tiniest,” Piccolissimo is the brain child of Matt Piccoli, a graduate student in professor Mark Yim’s ModLab.

Undergraduate Summer Research Projects Honored at Annual Symposium

Penn Engineering is home to several summer research programs for undergraduates, three of which come together to honor their participants’ accomplishments working under faculty and graduate student advisors and contributing to their research projects. The LittleJohn and Rachleff Scholars programs are open to Penn Engineering students in all departments, while SUNFEST, supported by the National […]

The Snow Graphics in ‘Frozen’ Can Predict the Mechanics of Real Avalanches

When a slab of snow cracks and slides down a slope, the exact size and shape of the resulting avalanche is hard to predict. The sliding slab is denser than the snow underneath it, giving the system a mix of solid and liquid properties. Chenfanfu Jiang, assistant professor in the Department of Computer and Information […]

Shveta Gupta: Voices of Penn Engineering Master’s Alumni

This is part of our series of articles written by Penn Engineering alums about their experiences at Penn and how it shaped their lives. Our next article is by Shveta Gupta, who graduated with a master’s in Electrical Engineering in 2018. She is now at Intel, working as a firmware engineer.

How Behavior Spreads: The Science of Complex Contagions

Damon Centola, associate professor in the Annenberg School for Communication and Penn Engineering, uses formal and computational models of social networks to study collective human dynamics. As the Director of the Network Dynamics Group and a member of the Warren Center for Network & Data Sciences, he uses online experiments to study how changes to […]

Dental Plaque is No Match for Catalytic Nanoparticles

Combine a diet high in sugar with poor oral hygiene habits and dental cavities, or caries, will likely result. The sugar triggers the formation of an acidic biofilm, known as plaque, on the teeth, eroding the surface. Early childhood caries is a severe form of tooth decay that affects one in every four children in […]

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